Wellness Program and WebMD Materials Being Mailed to Co-ops in Medical Plan
You can order more materials through the Member Contact Center.
Materials to help promote the wellness program and WebMD MyHealth Manager are being mailed to cooperatives in the NRECA Medical Plan later this week. These resources will help benefits administrators and wellness coordinators engage and inspire participants to live healthfully and include:
- 2014 POWER Wellness Brochure: It highlights the wellness resources, services and support NRECA offers to all co-ops. See how we can help you with your co-op’s wellness program.
- POWER Wellness Posters: Two copies of the poster are included for high-traffic areas to capture employee attention and interest.
- 2014 WebMD MyHealth Manager Resources: MyHealthManager is an interactive website, powered by WebMD. This powerful resource is available to all medical plan participants to help them assess current health, develop a customized health improvement plan, set health and fitness goals, and much more. Check out the two new “one-stop” resource guides and other materials:
- WebMD MyHealth Manager—Quick Reference Guide for Benefits Administrators highlights MyHealth Manager’s key features as well as administrative functions and benefits available to BAs.
- Getting Started with MyHealth Manager for Participants explains MyHealth Manager’s key features, including instructions for accessing MyHealth Manager from a smart phone or tablet—a new feature for 2014.
- MyHealth Manager posters and tent cardsare included to use around the office to help promote MyHealth Manager.
Order more copies of these materials through the Member Contact Center at 1.866.673.2299 or contactcenter@nreca.coop. We will provide additional resources and training throughout the year.
If you have questions or need help with your wellness program, contact NRECA’s wellness team at 703.907.6237 or at wellnessprogram@nreca.coop.