Updated Fact Sheet on Annual RS Plan Financial Disclosure Requirements

Because the Retirement Security (RS) Plan—for financial reporting purposes only—is considered a multi-employer plan, participating cooperatives generally need to follow Accounting Standards Update (ASU) 2011-09 when preparing their annual financial statements.

The NRECA fact sheet that details ASU 2011-09 financial disclosure requirements has been updated with numbers and language for 2024 financial reporting and is available on the NRECA Employee Benefits website.

The fact sheet provides instructions for completing the annual disclosure along with sample disclosure language. The fact sheet also includes sample footnote language for those co-ops participating in the RS Plan Voluntary Contribution Acceleration Program (VCAP).

If you have questions, speak with your co-op’s field representative or call the Member Contact Center at 866.673.2299, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Central time.

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