Long-term Disability Plan Guides Updated

The guides help BAs and employees understand the plans and their responsibilities.

The benefits administrator and employee guides for the NRECA Long-term Disability (LTD) Plan have been updated for branding and to ensure the information is current. No significant changes to plan information have been made.

The benefits administrator guide helps you understand the LTD plan and your cooperative’s options, as well as the co-op and CBA responsibilities for administering the plan. The employee guide helps employees on disability understand the benefits of the plan and how it works, as well as their own and CBA’s responsibilities.

Samples online
Samples of the updated guides are posted on the Employee Benefits website. For the BA guide, go to Document Library > Documents for Co-ops > Insurance Plans > Disability Plans >LTD BA Guide.

For the employee guide, go to Document Library > Documents for Employees > Insurance Plans > Disability Plans > LTD Employee Guide.

Order guides through the MCC
You can order the updated guides through the Member Contact Center at 1.866.673.2299 or contactcenter@nreca.coop. For the BA guide, ask for publication GRPBR13036. For the employee guide, ask for publication GRPBR13035.

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