Initial NRECA ACA Tax Reporting Data Report Will Be Available December 19

The initial data reports from NRECA to help cooperatives prepare for Affordable Care Act (ACA) tax reporting for the 2024 tax year will be released December 19. They will be provided through the Message Center on the Employee Benefits website to all co-ops in the NRECA Medical Plan, and those that sponsor a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) administered by Cooperative Benefit Administrators, Inc. (CBA). Notifications will be sent to the co-op’s primary benefits administrator, as indicated in NRECA’s records, for assigned subgroups.

Final data reports will be released in mid-January 2025.

The preliminary report includes the following data through November 2024 for medical plans1 and December 2024 for HRAs:

  • Co-op name and subgroup number.
  • Demographic information for covered individuals (name, Social Security number, date of birth, address).
  • The months each individual was covered by the NRECA Medical Plan and CBA-administered HRA plan, if applicable.

Use the report to verify gaps in your co-op’s data and identify data you may need to collect from employees. Also check for discrepancies between NRECA and co-op records.

Note: The report shows only data NRECA has on file. Blank spaces on the report are fields where NRECA doesn’t have data. The data was originally provided to NRECA by co-ops, so your co-op’s records may be more complete than the report.

For general questions on ACA tax reporting, speak with your field representative. For questions on the NRECA data report for medical plans, contact For questions on the health reimbursement arrangement data reports, contact Dianne Payne at 703.907.5702 or You also can contact the Member Contact Center at 866.673.2299 or

This article is provided for informational purposes only. NRECA isn’t authorized to provide tax or legal advice to co-ops about this topic. Co-ops should seek confirmation of this information from their tax or legal advisors.


  1. Data for December may appear for some participants in medical reports, but overall, December data is incomplete (e.g., participants added mid-month due to a qualifying event are not included yet). ↩︎
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