Have You Distributed Your 2015 SPDs and SMMs?
The March 2 deadline for distributing all summary plan description (SPD) and summaries of material modification (SMM) documents for your NRECA group benefit plans is almost here. Take a few minutes to review the electronic distribution rules for these notices.
Distribution acknowledgement is required
Once you’ve given the SPDs and SMMs to your group plan participants, fill out the online distribution and acknowledgement form for each plan. Select your subgroup, if applicable. A link to the online distribution page also appears in the Message Center alert you received in December 2014.
Other reminders
All NRECA medical plans received SPDs for 2015. Other plans in the group benefits program received SMMs for 2015, unless your cooperative’s plan elections changed during annual renewal or your co-op enrolled in a new benefit plan. In this case, you will have received a full SPD.
A table listing the 2015 SPD and SMM changes by plan is also available on the Employee Benefits website.
If you have questions about downloading SPDs and SMMs, contact the Member Contact Center at 866.673.2299 or contactcenter@nreca.coop.
For all other questions about SPDs or SMMs, contact the benefits compliance team at 866.673.2299, option 7, or at group.compliance@nreca.coop.