FutureMe Challenges: Stress Less Recap, Five to Thrive Starting Soon
The 2024 FutureMe challenges are off to a great start as participating cooperative employees commit to improving their well-being. The Stress Less challenge recently wrapped up with an impressive 1,657 co-op employees participating, while the next challenge, Five to Thrive, starts in just three weeks.
Stress Less
The Stress Less challenge broke the record for the largest number of registered participants in an NRECA challenge! Employees at 134 cooperatives participated, and 1,367 accomplished the challenge goal of taking five minutes or more of “me” time for at least 21 days of the 28-day challenge.
If your co-op is enrolled in FutureMe rewards, employees received points for completing the challenge. Additionally, 10 challenge participants were selected at random to each receive a $100 gift card.
The NRECA FutureMe team congratulates all co-ops and their employees for participating and their commitment to stressing less and boosting their well-being!
Five to Thrive
The Five to Thrive challenge runs May 1-28. If your co-op is participating, your employees who are registered on the FutureMe portal will receive an email later this month from WebMD inviting them to join the challenge.
The challenge goal is to eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day on at least 21 days. All participants who register will be entered into a random drawing to win one of 10 gift cards valued at $100 each.
Encourage your employees to participate by using this flier, poster and monitor ad (found under the Resources section at the bottom of the page) to promote the challenge. Additional ways to motivate and support your colleagues include hosting a kickoff event or offering small giveaways for those who participate. If you have questions, email the NRECA FutureMe team at futureme@nreca.coop.