Dependent Eligibility Verification Beginning Later this Month

Over 300 NRECA group benefit plan participants will be randomly selected for a dependent eligibility verification, which will run from June 14 to September 30, 2019. If you have a selected participant(s) at your cooperative, we will notify you by email before the verification begins.

Selected participants will be required to provide documentation (e.g., federal income tax returns, marriage certificates, birth certificates, adoption forms or other requested documents) to verify that their covered dependents—spouses, children through age 26 and incapacitated dependent adult children—are eligible for coverage under the group benefit plan. Ineligible and unverified dependents will be removed from coverage in the NRECA medical, dental, vision and child and spouse life insurance plans in which they are enrolled, on September 30, 2019. In the case of fraud or misrepresentation of a material fact, the plan may seek to recover benefits paid for charges incurred during the period of ineligibility.

Alight Dependent Verification Services, a division of Alight Solutions, will conduct the verification on behalf of NRECA. Alight Solutions has been the leading provider of human capital solutions for over 25 years, as well as a pioneer in dependent eligibility verification. They have audited more than 8 million dependents in one-time audits and annually verify over one million dependents for over 350 ongoing verification clients, helping them realize immediate savings and minimize compliance risks for their benefit plan.

No benefits administrator action is required during the verification, and we will notify you of the outcome of the verification. In the event of termination of coverage, you will need to ensure that ineligible dependents are removed from your co-op’s benefit plan. (While mid-year termination of coverage isn’t generally allowed by the plan, it will be in these cases.) If your co-op self-administers COBRA, you may also be involved in notifying participants of their dependents’ right to elect COBRA continuation coverage, if the dependent(s) have remaining COBRA eligibility.

If you have questions about the verification, contact Michelle Goeller at 703.907.5915 or

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