Coming Soon: Enhanced Online November 15 Base Salary Collection Process With Updated Job Positions

Benefits administrators will see improvements later this year to the November 15 base salary collection event on the NRECA Employee Benefits website.

The collection period begins in September, but we wanted to give you an opportunity ahead of time to familiarize yourself with the changes and prepare as needed.

When you submit your employees’ base salary information during the collection period this year, a new streamlined, step-by-step validation process will guide you on the NRECA Employee Benefits website. This is designed to improve data-entry accuracy and enhance the user experience.

Job classifications
Additionally, the new collection process will include capturing updated job positions with more accurate and specific information about an employee’s job. This new job classification system will enable NRECA to develop relevant career-advancing resources and opportunities targeting the appropriate employees at your co-op, as well as improving the National Compensation System data.

General managers and benefits administrators can learn more about the improved job classification system and its benefits.

File formats
If you submit your co-op’s salary information by uploading a file, there will be a change to the file format: longer field length for the new job code/job position. We are working with National Information Solutions Cooperative® and Southeastern Data Cooperative, Inc. to update their November 15 base salary collection file formats. If you use one of these systems, they will provide an update to you with the new file format in the coming months. If you don’t, we encourage you to share our updated file formatting guidelines with the person who uploads and submits the November 15 base salary information at your co-op.

The November 15 salary collection event will still accept the old file format if you are unable to convert to the new file format before September. And, while old job positions submitted will convert to new job positions, we encourage you to update your entries to provide more accurate job position information.

“Base salary” defined
As defined in the summary plan description of the Retirement Security (RS) Plan, base salary is the annual base rate of pay in effect on November 15 of the year prior to the year benefits are determined. Submitting this information ensures accurate annual enrollment elections, January 1 billing and RS Plan projections and payments.

Again, this is advanced notice of coming changes to the November 15 base salary collection process. You do not need to submit information now. We will inform you of the collection period as we get closer to September.

If you have any questions, contact the Member Contact Center at 866.673.2299 or

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