Available Now: “Value of Benefits” Resources on Group Benefits Program

If your cooperative offers plans through NRECA’s Group Benefits Program to your employees, there are extensive benefits within them that go beyond what many participants realize. Whether it’s cost savings or extra services, they should know the value your co-op’s employee benefits provide—especially as they prepare to enroll in benefits for 2025.

Now you have access to new resources that highlight some of these advantages. In the third installment of the Value of Benefits campaign, you’ll find a two-minute animated video on the mental health resources available to NRECA Medical Plan participants and their dependents—in addition to infographic fliers featuring:

  • Some common medical services and the dollar savings a participant might experience as part of the medical plan (HDHP and PPO versions).
  • How much income a typical long-term disability policy can generate—and why this scenario isn’t as unusual as people might think.
  • Some of the hidden perks included in NRECA life insurance plans that can be used now.
  • How a health savings account can help employees with a high-deductible health plan save money.
  • The programs  that are a part of the NRECA Medical Plan and support well-being, including FutureMe, Centers of Excellence, Teladoc Health, Life Strategy Counseling and First Steps Maternity.

This campaign is designed to give you turnkey resources about employee benefits that help support your co-op’s ongoing education, employee retention and recruitment efforts. Use them in HR and annual enrollment packages, employee meetings, on your co-op’s intranet, with recruitment materials and more!

If you have feedback, you can reach out via email to employeebenefits@nreca.coop.

The next module, on the 401(k) Pension Plan, will be released in late 2024.

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