Coping with Coronavirus: Teladoc, Life Strategy Counseling and More

We encourage NRECA’s member cooperatives and plan participants to use NRECA’s employee benefit plans and resources for guidance and support during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. 

Remind participants at your co-op about these important benefits and resources available to them. Additional resources and information were made available in the March 11, 2020 issue of NRECA Employee Benefits Weekly.

NRECA Medical Plan participants need to register to use Teladoc® if they haven’t used the service before. To register, or update account information, participants should create or access their account through a desktop for easier access in completing their medical history.

To create an account or request a consultation, participants can access Teladoc in one of the following ways:

If participants are exhibiting signs of COVID-19, Teladoc will refer them to their primary care physician or other medical professional for treatment.

Life Strategy Counseling’s Webinars
NRECA’s Life Strategy Counseling program is offering a webinar Friday, March 20, called: “Keep Calm and Carry On – Maintaining Your Composure Amidst the Pandemic Panic.”

To register, participants can go to > My Benefits > My Insurance > Health & Wellness > Life Strategy Counseling, and click the “KEPRO website” link.

The webinar, hosted by NRECA’s vendor KEPRO, will address strategies to deal with feelings of anxiety and stress, practical steps for working from home, when to reach out for support and more.

Participants can find additional resources for stress, anxiety and more on the KEPRO website, including a recorded webinar entitled “Building Psychological Immunity During the Coronavirus Outbreak.”

If you or your co-op’s employees have any questions about these webinars or group insurance coverage, connect with NRECA’s Member Contact Center via phone at 866.673.2299. Representatives are available Monday through Friday, 7 am to 7 pm, Central time.

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