Check Out Three New Financial Education Infographics
NRECA has added three new infographics on financial topics to the financial education resources available on NRECA’s Employee Benefits website. The infographics offer a quick, engaging way for benefits administrators to boost financial education or increase smart retirement planning behaviors.
The newest selection of infographics focuses on protecting against identity theft, the value of staying put instead of jumping in and out of the stock market, and the importance of managing your finances so that your retirement funds last as long as you do. View them now:
The infographics come in both vertical and horizontal versions, and can be downloaded and printed as posters for break room or lunch room walls or posted on the co-op’s intranet or electronic message center. The library of all financial infographics is located in the website’s Retirement Resources section. Accessible to both benefits administrators and retirement plan participants, the Retirement Resources section also includes educational articles and recorded “lunch and learn” webinars on a variety of financial planning topics featuring members of NRECA’s Personal Investment & Retirement Consulting (PIRC) team.